Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Eat Cricket...Drink Cricket

Every nation got a Food Minister..... so do we.

The role of the Food Minister is to ensure optimum utilization of the food products so as to eliminate poverty and maintain the nutritional level of the citizens.

Our food minister has other priorities. Unfortunately, Food Ministry happens to be just one of the various portfolios alloted to him.

And as you all know, cricket is more interesting than food distribution.

Why blame him. He is doing good in the cricketing world, making money from every single contract. Now he is heading the International Cricketing body too.

'If the peasants do not have bread, why don't they eat cake??'' Queen Mary Antoinette committed the worst blunder of her lifetime when she uttered these words. This ignited the great French Revolution and finally she was burnt alive.

Now our Food Minister says if you do not have food, 'Eat Cricket...Drink Cricket'........

Would that lead to another revolution here???

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Atithi Devo Bhava

"Atithi Devo Bhava" ........ literally meaning Guest is God

But for Bharat, no culture, no civilization ever preached such a noble virtue. Fortunately for others, they never learned nor adopted this mantra.

We were proud about this and we righteously followed this virtue without prejudice whatsoever. No matter whether the guest was a thief, robber or a murderer, we treated them with reverence. In this process, we burnt our fingers....not just fingers, but the whole of us.


Every other day we are disturbed by the news of Indians getting beaten up somewhere in the world, be it australia, united kingdom or new zealand. Our government never seems to take any step to ensure safety of Indians abroad wherein they are subject to severe effects of racial discrimination. Instead the government is more bothered about the safety of the foreigners in India.

The government has flooded television channels with an ad wherein the fool aamir khan comes preaching the concept of 'atithi devo bhava' to Indians. The ad is so disgusting and malicious that the whole of Indians are depicted as a bunch of uncultured, illiterate barbarians without any sense of hygiene or civic sense whatsoever. It is highly disturbing to see how the money of our own people are gobbled up by the government to finally depict them in such bad frame.

Monday, September 27, 2010


Nature has given us everything...everything in abundance. It would be more appropriate to say that we have robbed nature of everything....and no sense of guilt or regret whatsover.

Nature, like a proud mother held everything in her bosom to distribute evenly among her loved ones. Unfortunately she failed to fathom the depth of human 'greed' and that proved to be a grave mistake. By the time she realized this, it was too late. She was repeatedly stabbed in the back by her very own sons to whom she had given everything over and above others.

We have a wrong notion that we are the only legitimate inheritors to the richness of mother nature. The fact that nature has an obligation to uniformly distribute her wealth to each one of her creation without bias or prejudice is conveniently forgotten.

Nature is mother to every object, animate or inanimate. The balance of nature is so delicate a task that any slight interference could cause irreparable damage to the whole system.

Mother nature has got enough to meet everybody's need, but not enough to meet everybody's greed.

Where then lies the solution?

No, there surely is a solution. A slow painstaking solution. We have to wake up from this drugged sleep and start taking corrective measures. Small deeds of a few dedicated individuals would surely make a difference. We have to contribute a bit of our energy and time for this noble task.

The reward??? .... a beautiful green world.


Do or Die.........

Unfortunately, we Hindus neither do nor die. We just survive... eat, breath and keep ourselves alive. A typical vegetable existence.

Does this amount to LIVING? NO.... dying would be far more glorious.

Rival forces have gained so much power and influence that they crush everything associated with Hinduism under their feet. However but for a few sensible Hindus, none feels any pain, that's most unfortunate.

Many daring Hindus have sacrificed their life to bring about that much needed revolution. But still that was not enough. There is an imminent need for a mass awakening of the Hindus. Only then we can get to think of any considerable improvement in the system.

One thing for sure, if the Hindus of this country unite there will be no stopping. It will be a march to glory.

Jai Shri Ram...........Vande Mataram.

Need for a Paradigm Shift

It is quite difficult to understand why we Hindus remain so insensitive to repeated attacks on our religion, culture and society. Every Tom, Dick & Sonia are mocking our religion and questioning our religion and its authenticity. The UPA government has even dared to file an affidavit in the supreme court questioning the existence of Lord Ram. Cinemas, print media and electronic media are competing with each other to make fun of our religion, thereby providing greener pastures for the minority religions.

Somehow, no one seems to care about all these. But, why? Is this insensitivity so typical of a Hindu mindset? Are we not having good examples in Swami Vivekanand and Aurobindo??

Let's not be blinded by the propaganda machinery of the missionaries and the jihadis. It we let ourselves get fooled then we are surely going to destroy ourselves, our religion and our society.

It is high time the Hindu mindset take a Paradigm Shift. There should be a radical change in thinking and attitude which makes us awake and sow the seeds of revolution in the society. There is an impending need to ignite a new revolution to awaken, unite and strengthen all our Hindu brethren.

Slowly but surely, we will win this war against the evil forces...but every Hindu needs to do his bit for this noble cause.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Queen's Baton- My Foot

"The Queen's baton relay serves a functional purpose in carrying 'Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth’s message from Buckingham Palace in London. It will reach the stadium on 3 October 2010 where Her Majesty’s message will be read aloud, officially opening the Games". .......... an extract from the Common Wealth Games official website

Damn common wealth!!!

Freedom was not that easy. It was really hard earned freedom for India in every sense.

Thousands of young Indians sacrificed their lives to gift us with this great privilege to live in an independent society without chains or fetters whatsover. They sacrificed their youth, their family, their career and their lives in their determined fight against the british rule.

Most painfully, we have forgotten these great sacrifices and today we worship the very same imperial boots that mercilessly crushed Indians for over a century. We unfortunately are blessed with a very short memory that we have forgotten every single case of rape, murder and loot. We have forgotten and forgiven the greatest criminals in history who plundered and looted the great wealth of this nation.

Now we are celebrating common wealth games with such pomp and fair never before witnessed in India. We are showing our gratitude to the bloody queen of england who was so ruthless when the people of our nation were butchered by her soldiers.

Why don't any one stand up and question our need to pay reverence to the bloody queen?? Who the dirty shit is this queen for the Indians?? Is she our head de-jure or de-facto?? NO...neither.

Then what makes us feel so much sense of pride to run around like fools carrying her dirty baton??

Will we Indians never wake up????

Monday, September 13, 2010

Good, Bad & The Ugly

If ever we try to categorize the people of this nation into three viz. Good, Bad and the Ugly, it would be a very enormous task. We will have to dig through the various stratas of the society to form an opinion and that would indeed be a very difficult job.

However, if our task was to find the UGLIEST of them all, then it is so easy. We simply have to pull out three lists and start eliminating... hardly would anyone get eliminated. Yes, for sure, the ugliest of them all would invariably be a secular politician, a cine star or a cricketer.

They have certain common features that distinguish them from others. How much ever money they earn, they still long for more and for this they sell themselves to the bookies or the ISI cookies.

All these three category of people are generally termed as 'Celebrities'. Yes, their mere presence is a reason for the people of this nation to rejoice and celebrate. People throng the venues for hours or days together to get a mere glance of their celebrity. Thousands gets killed in stampedes, but they hardly ever do care because a 'darshan' of the celebrity would bring them eternal bliss, so do they believe.

Yes, the cine stars, cricketers and the politicians are treated no less than God here. But it is most unfortunate that they find their Gods beyond the boundaries of this nation, treading into enemy nations.